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Manual Lymphatic Drainage - Vodder Technique

The Vodder Method of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a gentle, rhythmical, advanced therapy technique which dramatically enhances lymph formation and promotes drainage within the superficial and deep systems of the lymph vascular network within the body.

Regular MLD sessions:

  • support and boost the action of the immune system.

  • are effective in countering the inflammatory response.

  • shorten the route to recovery following soft tissue trauma.

  • soothe the nervous system during times of intense stress.

  • are a potent adjunct for metabolic waste and water removal (long term use medications, harmful substances, etc.)



We do provide MLD treatment sequences for clients and patients:

∙ with medically-uncomplicated conditions,

∙ with post-orthopedic, post-neurologic and post-dental procedures.




We do not:

∙ provide post-plastic surgery sessions,

∙ treat individuals with drains,

∙ treat individuals compromised systems due to cancer or the major forms of lymphedema.

These patients are better served when seen in a specialty facility which has the appropriate resources to care for their specific and sometimes complicated needs.












What To Expect

Before your session begins, you will fill out some paperwork and then we will take time to sit down and talk about your needs, concerns and wishes.   Since an MLD session can be spent in numerous configurations, it is important to identify the complaint and customize the session accordingly.

Manual Lymph Drainage sessions using the Vodder Method are extremely gentle and only a light touch is used.  They are scheduled at 1 hour in length, but if you have had this work in the past, 1½ hours may be requested.

Since an MLD session can be spent in numerous configurations, it is important to identify the complaint and customize the session accordingly. Manual Lymph Drainage sessions using the
Vodder Method are extremely gentle and only a light touch is used. 

They are scheduled at 1 hour in length, but if you have had this work in the past, 1½ hours may be requested.

MLD sessions are scheduled at 1 hour in length.

Only the feet are worked during the appointment and we do not use foot soaks, which can limit time needed to complete the thorough hands-on session.

Your session will take place on a massage therapy table, which enhances relaxation. Most clients prefer to remain clothed unless they have booked a massage session prior to (or to follow) their reflexology session. You may also choose to be fully draped with a sheet and blanket, with only the work areas being exposed; the choice is yours.

Most clients prefer to incorporate reflexology into their monthly wellness plan. However, if you have specific objectives, weekly sessions should be considered in order to allow the benefits of each previous session to build onto the next. Once certain goals have been met, you may then wish to follow up with sessions every other week and then monthly, as needed.

For those who have a particular concern or chronic condition, we can make allowances in our schedules to provide extra buffer time between clients when necessary. Please let us know if there is something we can do to make your time spent with us a little easier.

Click on either location:

Rates and Hours


Gratuity is not accepted.

The best tip you can give
is the referral of a friend
or family member.

Advanced Massage Therapy,
Clinical Reflexology
and Bodywork



1 hour

1½ hours
2 hours

Chiropractic Care*

Initial Exam


$ 85
$ 45

*Chiropractic Care is ONLY available

in the Houston location.

The Comprehensive European Method

There are many styles of Reflexology and we use the comprehensive European Method. This work incorporates a firm yet very gentle and compassionate pressure, which allows the body to relax as the session works on a deeper level.

The effect can be described as being similar to what happens when listening to a quiet and reflective musical piece; the brain senses even the tiniest whispered nuance.


Our office adheres to the professional qualification standard attained by achieving the "Internationally Certified Reflexologist" diploma via examination through the ITEC (International Therapy Examination Council) board, with a mandatory 265 hours of classroom based reflexology training. Additional training is in both Thai Foot Reflexology and Hot Stone Reflexology.

We feel that professional standards are important. You should always ask, if you have any questions regarding a therapists qualifications.

After-Care Advice

Because each client experiences improvements of health in their own way, one must be conscientious as to how their body reacts to the given session.

Many times a client will experience a healing "event", in which the body may begin to eliminate the effects of poor lifestyle, sedentary behavior and other unwanted conditions; most often this will manifest as a headache, a cold, or flu-like symptoms. The client may also experience increased elimination from the bowels and bladder.

This is a good time to drink plenty of water and get adequate rest. We also suggest that you take time to slow down and do something you enjoy.

Additional Information

Reflexology clients are not adjusted during their sessions and should never feel pressured toward chiropractic care. We treat each section of our practice as a separate entity. Of course, you are welcome to choose back to back sessions of bodywork methods if you wish.

A really nice way to end the day is to make arrangements for a 2 hour block of time which incorporates a
massage followed by a reflexology session.

We are happy to provide these combination appointments (unless there are medical contraindications). All we ask is that you please remember they must be booked advance of your scheduled appointment, as we can rarely accommodate additional time requests once you have arrived for your session.

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